Japanese Language Proficiency Test and The Japanese Language Examination

Aug 28, 2016 16:14
Today, I tried to solve exam problems of Japanese language on the Internet.

However, I made one mistake among five problems in the second grades.

I couldn't believe that foreign people trying to take N2 solve such difficult problems, but it was not "Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)," but "The Japanese Language Examination" for native Japanese people.

To be honest, I'm relieved.

By the way, the problem that I made a mistake is related to "閑話休題 (kanwa kyudai)."

"閑話" means "digression," "休題" means "to stop the topic," and "閑話休題" means "to return to the main topic from the digression," which is translated as "but I digress" in English.

However, I thought that "閑話休題" means "to stray from the main topic and make a digression," which is something like "by the way" or "as an aside."

I heard that many Japanese people have misunderstood as I did, but I'd like to be more careful.








No. 1 南蛮人's correction
  • Japanese Language Proficiency Test and The Japanese Language Examination
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I tried to solve exam problems of Japanese language on the Internet.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, I made one mistake among five problems in the second grades.
  • SuHoweverprisingly, I made one mistake among five problems in the second grades.
     Just as suggestion
  • I couldn't believe that foreign people trying to take N2 solve such difficult problems, but it was not "Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)," but "The Japanese Language Examination" for native Japanese people.
  • I couldn't believe that foreign people trying to take the N2 could solve such difficult problems, but it was not "Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)," but "The Japanese Language Examination" for native Japanese speakoplers.
     This is just a small aside.

    It's possible in principle for someone to be a native Japanese person and still not be a native speaker.

    In practice there's a huge overlap between both concepts but they are different.
  • To be honest, I'm relieved.
  • To be honest, I'm feel relieved.
  • By the way, the problem that I made a mistake is related to "閑話休題 (kanwa kyudai)."
  • By the way, the problem wthereat I made a mistake is related to "閑話休題 (kanwa kyudai)."
  • "閑話" means "digression," "休題" means "to stop the topic," and "閑話休題" means "to return to the main topic from the digression," which is translated as "but I digress" in English.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, I thought that "閑話休題" means "to stray from the main topic and make a digression," which is something like "by the way" or "as an aside."
  • However, I thought that "閑話休題" meants "to stray from the main topic and make a digression," which is something like "by the way" or "as an aside."
  • I heard that many Japanese people have misunderstood as I did, but I'd like to be more careful.
  • I heard that many Japanese people have misunderstood this as I did, but I'd like to be more careful.
Thank you so much for the corrections! :)
No. 2 Wombat's correction
  • Today, I tried to solve exam problems of Japanese language on the Internet.
  • Today, I tried to solve exam questions on the Japanese language on the Internet.
  • However, I made one mistake among five problems in the second grades.
  • However, I made one mistake among five questions in the second grade.
  • I couldn't believe that foreign people trying to take N2 solve such difficult problems, but it was not "Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)," but "The Japanese Language Examination" for native Japanese people.
  • I couldn't believe that foreign people trying to take the N2 exam solve such difficult problems, but it was not "Japanese Language Proficiency Test" (JLPT), but "The Japanese Language Examination" for native Japanese people.
  • To be honest, I'm relieved.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By the way, the problem that I made a mistake is related to "閑話休題 (kanwa kyudai)."
  • By the way, the mistake I made is related to "閑話休題"(kanwa kyudai).
  • "閑話" means "digression," "休題" means "to stop the topic," and "閑話休題" means "to return to the main topic from the digression," which is translated as "but I digress" in English.
  • "閑話" means "digression", "休題" means "to stop the topic", and "閑話休題" means "to return to the main topic from the digression" which is translated as "but I digress" in English.
  • However, I thought that "閑話休題" means "to stray from the main topic and make a digression," which is something like "by the way" or "as an aside."
  • However, I thought that "閑話休題" means "to stray from the main topic and make a digression", which is something like "by the way" or "as an aside".
  • I heard that many Japanese people have misunderstood as I did, but I'd like to be more careful.
  • I heard that many Japanese people had misunderstood as I did, but I'd like to be more careful.
And the same happens to native English speakers!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)